January 2025

Kirstine successfully defended her bachelor thesis titled “Alpha-synuclein-induced neurodegeneration in the locus coeruleus and its distribution in the brain”. Big congratulations to Kirstine, you’ve done an amazing job!
Danish Sleep Research Day – Brain and Sleep
Celia presented her talk about “Infraslow arousal rhythms during sleep: implications for aging and neurodegeneration” while Klaudia participated in this year’s Sleep Cup by presenting her work on “The vital need for REM sleep”.

Klaudia, Katia and Sofie also presented their work during the poster sessions.

Neurograd winter school for Kjaerby PhD students
Klaudia, Anastasia and Julia attended this year’s Neurograd winter school in Marienlyst. Two days packed with scientific presentations and posters representing various neuroscience-projects in the greater Copenhagen area.

December 2024
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! This month we celebrated the upcoming Christmas season with our colleagues at the Center for Translational Neuromedicine (CTN). Besides eating traditional Danish Christmas food we played ‘pakkeleg’ and ohhh what jolly fun we had!

November 2024

Congratulations to Sofie who successfully defended her master’s thesis titled “Exploring the memory modulatory abilities of heart rate variability and norepinephrine coupling in sleep”.
Time for our annual lab dinner celebrating 1-year Team Kjaerby!

October 2024

Neuroscience Academy Denmark (NAD) Annual Meeting 2024: Sofie was selected to give a young-career short talk about her research. Very well done! Team Kjaerby was also represented with three posters by Julia, Sofie, Klaudia, and Yi. It’s been three very fun and inspiring days getting to interact with the Danish neuroscience community.
Team Kjaerby at SFN 2024: Celia and Mie gave talks about their research while Anastasia and Sofie presented their posters. What a fun and inspiring week in a beautiful city.

June 2024

Team Kjaerby kayaking through Copenhagen’s canals on a sunny summer day 🙂
Caterina successfully defended her Master’s thesis. A big congratulations from the entire team!

FENS Forum 2024 in Vienna: Julia represented Team Kjaerby at the FENS Forum this year with a poster presentation. The days in Vienna were packed with interesting lectures, thousands of posters, and many fun networking opportunities!
Julia successfully defended her Master’s thesis titled “Inverse correlation of norepinephrine and parvalbumin-positive interneuron activity modulates arousal and sleep in a schizophrenia mouse model”. Well done!

Konstantinos Mine (MSc Cellular Biology and Physiology) joins the lab for his thesis project. Welcome to the lab!
April 2024

Congrats! Mie received a Lundbeck Foundation Postdoc fellowship (3-years). She will spend one year at the University of San Francisco in Vikaas Sohal‘s lab before returning to Copenhagen.
January 2024
4th Nordic Neuroscience Meeting, Copenhagen: Anastasia and Julia presented posters about their research projects. Celia gave a talk. A roundabout successful conference!

The lab welcomed Professor Sara Mednick as a visiting professor to Copenhagen. Sara is a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of California Irvine. She is passionate about understanding how the brain works through her research into sleep and the autonomic nervous system.
December 2023
Ho Ho Ho!! Time for the annual Christmas party at the Center for Translational Neuromedicine. After stealing each other’s gifts during the Danish Christmas game “pakkeleg” it was time to enjoy some good food and great company.
Merry Christmas!

Sofie Jacobsen (MSc Neuroscience) joined the lab for her 9-month thesis project. Welcome, Sofie!
November 2023

Mie successfully defended her PhD thesis. What a fantastic achievement – congratulations, Mie!

Julia received a 6-months scholarship from the Danish Society of Neuroscience. The stipend provides financial assistance to pre-graduate students who are pursuing a research project within Neuroscience.

October 2023
Katia Soud joins the lab as a postdoc and Yi Qiang (MSc Neuroscience) joins as a master’s student. Welcome to the team!
September 2023
Klaudia Tokarska joins the lab as a PhD student. Caterina Grassi (MSc Pharmaceutical Science) starts her 9-month thesis project and Amalie Li Juan Høgh Dufva (Medical program) starts her bachelor thesis project. Welcome to all!
August 2023
Julia Berger (MSc Neuroscience) joins the lab for her 9-month thesis projects.
Celia received a fellowship from the Lundbeck Foundation (learn more in the video below) to start her own research group! Our first milestone is set.